woman lying on blue textile

Am I overreacting to worry about the vaccination status of my masseuse?

Question: I want to get a massage.  When I called to make an appointment, I asked if I could get a masseuse who’s been vaccinated.  The receptionist said they can’t say due to HIPAA, and that most of the employees have been vaccinated.  I am somewhat uncomfortable with not knowing– it is a small, enclosed setting for 90+ minutes– even though I’ve been vaccinated.  I was thinking I would ask the masseuse when I arrive; they can refuse to answer on personal grounds, but it’s not against HIPAA to ask.  Anyway, am I overreacting to worry about it?  Is the vaccine so effective that I would be safe even if the masseuse were to have COVID?

Answer: The vaccines we have are extremely effective, even against new variants (see  Q&A of 3/23 and  Q&A of 5/25).  You would likely be protected.  That said, the vaccines are not 100% effective, and the situation you’re describing could carry risk– it meets 2 of the risky 3Cs (close contact setting, closed space; 3rd is crowded places).  I do *not* think that you are overreacting to worry about the situation.  You are indeed well within your rights to ask about your masseuse’s vaccination status; as you mentioned, such a question does not violate HIPAA.  Finally, since you know that most of the staff is vaccinated, if you find out that your masseuse is not vaccinated, you could ask for someone who is.  If it were me, that’s what I would do.  And if I felt uncomfortable with the set up, I’d leave.  It’s a service designed to improve your quality of life and hopefully reduce stress, not add to it!