
Welcome! My name is Madeleine Short Fabic and I write this daily Q&A on all things related to COVID-19. I am a trained public health professional who has been working since 2007 as a Public Health Advisor for the U.S. Government. Colleagues, friends, and family members frequently ask me questions about COVID-19, so I started this daily Q&A back in March 2020 to respond. Each question comes from readers like you, and I write each answer based on the latest scientific evidence. Keeping this daily journal of sorts helps me stay informed and grounded. Hopefully these updates are helpful to you too!

Three Notes:

  1. Older posts include the latest scientific thinking at the time they were written. Older posts are by nature outdated and may no longer be correct, though they do reveal how our understanding has evolved. For example, check out the posts on masks.
  2. This website is my own and does not represent the views of any organization with which I’m affiliated.
  3. The website is a migration from the Medium site I started oh so many months ago.