Would you please make trend charts for Virginia?

Question: I really like the charts you shared on case/hospitalization/death trends in the USA and NYS the other day. Would you please do them for Virginia?

Answer: Sure thing! Please see Figure 1 below and know that you can always find updated Virginia information at covidtracking.com and the Virginia Department of Health. As Figure 1 shows, Virginia is on the right path (and still early into that right path after a long period of plateau at a relatively high level of transmission):

  • Testing has again been increasing after plateauing in August and declining for the first half of September (we like to see testing increase!)
  • Test positivity rate (rolling 7-day average) has been declining since mid-September and got below the 5% threshold on 24 September. At 4.2%, it’s currently the lowest it has ever been
  • Cases have finally been on the decline since having virtually plateaued from mid-July through mid-September. 7-day rolling average of cases (779) is the lowest it’s been since 13 July.
  • Hospitalizations have been slowly declining since their most recent peak in early August.
  • Deaths have recently increased (7-day rolling average of 22/day). There does seem to be a reporting “fix” on 15 September that created a big bump, but deaths since then have also been higher than recent months.
  • Case fatality rate has hovered slightly above 2% (currently 2.2%) since mid-August.

Figure 1. Virginia

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