What’s the guidance for hosting an unvaccinated international traveler?

Question: My family is hosting an au pair from Colombia beginning next week. She is not vaccinated. I am wondering what the current guidance/ best practices are for having an unvaccinated international traveler in your house. The au pair’s bedroom and bathroom are on a separate floor.  The adults in the house are vaccinated, but our kids are not.

Answer: CDC offers a set of recommendations for international travel designed to reduce risk (Figure 1).  Based on these recommendations, your au pair needs to get tested before flying; mask, keep her distance, and wash her hands during travel; get tested 3-5 days after arrival; and self-quarantine for 7 days after arrival with a negative test.  In terms of flying, she can further reduce her risk by sitting with one vacant seat between herself and other passengers (e.g. window seat with no one in the middle seat).  Additionally, she should keep her mask on at all times, and if possible, avoid eating on the flight, which would require mask removal (for more on flying, see Q&A of 11/17).  Once she’s in your home, she should stay away from others as much as possible (e.g. keep to her room; wear a mask when she leaves her room), and especially avoid the unvaccinated kids for the duration of her self-quarantine (again, 7 days with a negative test taken 3-5 days after arrival).  Thereafter, welcome her with open arms and if she agrees, get her signed up for her vaccination!  Note: Maryland doesn’t require proof of residency for vaccination and other states are likely similar.    

Figure 1. International Travel Recommendations (from CDC)