May 21, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Did you see that VA was accused of “cooking the books” because they were including antibody test results?
May 20, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Even if restaurants employ good social distance practices, aren’t we at-risk from air circulation within the restaurant?
May 19, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort I was just reading about sailors testing positive after having already recovered from COVID-19. What’s going on?
May 15, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort What’s the story with the new COVID-related syndrome in kids that I’ve started hearing about… Kawasaki?
May 13, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Where does the vaccine timeline projection come from, and is it realistic?
May 12, 2020November 18, 2020 madeleineshort Do people need to fear getting the virus from the runner who just ran by them?