March 30, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Can my brother be tested now to find out if he had it? And if he did have it, would he now be immune to the virus?
March 22, 2020November 11, 2020 madeleineshort A point-by-point response to Aaron Ginn’s post of 21 March
March 19, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Can you catch coronavirus more than once? AND Would you explain the threat that covid-19 poses to immunodeficient communities?
March 17, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort This may sound callous, but are we really upending our children’s education, the employment of thousands upon thousands, and the health of our entire economy to save the elderly?
March 16, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Am I allowed to go outside and run to workout? AND How long do we think humans and the economy can continue this?
March 15, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort I’m supposed to go see my 96-year-old mom next weekend, but I’m so scared of being an asymptomatic carrier. What should I do? AND How did Ohio arrive at that estimate of infected people?
March 11, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Why are we all so worried about COVID-19? AND What’s the difference in terminology between SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19? AND Mutations?
March 10, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Why have these countries suffered so differently? AND If I a person is self-quarantined, what does this mean for their interactions with others in their household? AND What’s the status of rapid tests?
March 9, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort What about preexisting conditions and risk? AND What about false positives?