May 12, 2020November 18, 2020 madeleineshort Do people need to fear getting the virus from the runner who just ran by them?
April 22, 2020November 15, 2020 madeleineshort I was just reading that sewage can be a good way to trace COVID outbreaks. Is it true?
April 6, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort If tigers can get it, is there a risk that domestic cats could be involved in spreading it?
April 4, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Now that we’re all supposed to be wearing masks, should we be wearing other PPE too?
March 26, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Can we re-use protective gear? AND Are some activities more likely to infect people?
March 22, 2020November 11, 2020 madeleineshort A point-by-point response to Aaron Ginn’s post of 21 March
March 21, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Aren’t open cash transactions spreading the disease? AND What’s the story with new treatments?
March 16, 2020November 9, 2020 madeleineshort Am I allowed to go outside and run to workout? AND How long do we think humans and the economy can continue this?